Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Saving Face.

Could you ever beleive that we have 3rd graders up to 6th graders are getting facebook accounts and putting themselves in danger? Well beleive it because it's happening. To help protect the kids, for our class in tech trends we are coming up with ways that we can teach them internet safety. We need to protect the younger generation.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Creating Spy Kids

Heyy Everybody!
It's me! (again) Well, today in Tech Trends We watched a ten minute video on how Trouble Makers Studio created Spy Kids 2. It taught me how they only create little parts of the sets to create the full scene. Doing this helps saves Trouble Makers Studio MILLIONS of dollars on each movie. They also showed us that they create most of the movie using technology.

talk to ya later.


Inside Trouble Maker Studios

Hey everyone! I hope you all have been doing good since my last post! Today in Tech Trends we watch a 10 minute vidio on Troublemaker studios. Now I bet your wondering what is Trouble maker Studios, I mean what do they do? Well, have any of you watch any of the Spy Kids movie. Aww, now you know what I'm talking about. They make movies! The guy showed us that he makes movies right in his home. With TONS of technology. You can see how technology advance technology has become. He also showed us how produces create movies in which we have come to love!
Well, I hope you learned something, cause if you didn't then at least you can say you read a little today.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Inspiration IMOVIE plans.

Hey everybody! Well, for tech trends we are creating a project or iMovie about a person who inspires me. For my project Inspiration I have decided to do mine on...
My father.. Bill for my project. He inspires not just me, but other kids around my area. For my dad's job he is a state trooper, and he goes around to schools to help teach the kids to make good choices and not give into the pressures of today's society. I plan on interviewing him after he gets home this Saturday from a Missions Trip to Mexico, one of the other things he does to inspire me. I will use voice over. I will show him and how he inspires the children of our state. Also remember that there are heroes or people that inspire others all around, and most of them don't get recognized in which they deserve, so honor them with just the little of things like; saying thank you, or helping them. Anything will be awesome!


Friday, March 27, 2009

Digital Imaging

Hey everybody!! Hope ya' all have had a great week! But now it's the weekend and I know im ready for the weekend! Well, now the my topic, during this week in Technology class is digital imaging a.k.a photography. Now, there is so much with today technology that you can do. But, some easy tips that you can do with just angles and going close up or going far out. Angles, different angles are a great way for you to make you photo different. Also when you take a picture of a person instead of going further out, go in, it will make quite a difference, you may cut off some of the person's face, but it makes a statement. So, those are just some ways to make your pictures make a statement.


Friday, March 20, 2009

20% project

Hey! So, for techtrends we have to do a 20% project. This is where we spend 20% of our time working on one project of whatever we want to, it's about something that they don't teach us in school. Fun right I know! We'll here are some things that I would want to learn more about.
1. phototshop
2. powerpoint
3. artrage

Jordan Peterson-Garage band

Hello, again! Well I'm here to tell you about what I learned from a guy named Jordan Peterson, who creates songs or music on garageband, from his own dorm room. He taught us that anybody can use garage band. He taught us a few tricks like, build up your songs, not just put everything together at once. It helps your songs sound so much better. So remember to build up your songs! Hope you have a good day and weekend!

Hey Hey!! well this is a blog that we have to do for a class called technolodgy trends. So I'm going to try and write and as much as I can. Oh, and also make them as fun as possible!! Hope you follow!
